What Would You Like To Learn About Social Web Development?

Help is on the wayOne of my strongest expertise is developing web apps that utilize Social APIs and technologies.  My website, SocialToo is built all around these.  I’ve written a book on the subject, and reviewed others.  I’ve blogged about it, and written many apps myself, and consulted for many others.  I wrote one of the first howtos on Facebook Connect development, and wrote the very first Facebook Connect WordPress plugin.

However, I’ve realized that I’m not sharing that much.  I have presentations I’ve shared via Slideshare, but those just don’t do it justice.  I’d like to share more here on this blog, do a few geeky howtos for the developers and coders out there, and hopefully help a few of you out.  I’m not quite sure where to start though.

So my question for you is, what would you like me to talk about?  What would you like to learn?  It can be any Social Network API, really.  If I don’t know it yet I’ll go learn it and share it with you.  I’d like to help you learn what you don’t already know though.  I figure I’m pretty good at this stuff, so I may as well share it.  So, what would you like me to talk about?  Trust me, it will be much more interesting if you tell me, than if I just guess myself.  How can I help you?

Image courtesy Cory Doctorow

11 responses to “What Would You Like To Learn About Social Web Development?”

  1. robdiana Avatar


    I have said this before in other forums, but I will repeat it hear. I would love to read more from you about Facebook development at the code level. I would think you would have plenty to say about twitter as well.

  2. jessestay Avatar

    Rob, what types of things would you like to hear me talk about in regards to
    Facebook or Twitter development coding?

  3. robdiana Avatar

    Well, given that you “wrote the book” on Facebook development, you could start with intro stuff and eventually get more advanced. I am basically assuming that most of your readers have not really done much with Facebook and where else would they want to go for good information 🙂

  4. hardaway Avatar

    I'd like some intelligent suggestions for non-geeks as to how to make the most of the available tools.

  5. Carmen Delessio Avatar

    Where do you think Social Application Development is now compared to what it will ultimately be?
    I think we are at the PONG stage if we compare social development to arcade games.
    What's the best thinking now on creating something once and re-using it? Facebook, Bebo, OpenSocial, MySpace, Ning?
    Moving a Facebook App to Opensocial would be great.

  6. jessestay Avatar

    Carmen, personally, I think Social Application Development will be more
    open, owned more by the developer, and will control distributed data that
    you can host on your own servers. It will be more standardized and less
    owned by one company or another.
    That said, I think all this is moving to the cell phone, and eventually
    integrated bio controls. There are toys that will be sold this fall which
    allow your kids to control balls and other objects with their minds. Where
    social is all about the individual, I suspect, in 5-10 years we'll start to
    see more development going in that direction as well as what we're seeing
    now. Beyond that it's hard to tell.

  7. Carmen Delessio Avatar

    Agree, Agree, Agree 😉
    So this can lead us to some shorter term thinking about creating apps that play on Facebook, Bebo, OpenSocial compliant platforms (MySpace, Ning, etc), iPhone , and Android. This is our own small social Tower of Babel.

  8. David Avatar

    Hello Jesse,

    That's great! I am searching for a forum discussing how to develop social web applications, especially those will be running on top of Facebook.
    I am familiar with Java only. Could you write an article about how to develop FB applications using Java (step – by – step).
    When familiar with FB platform and with a Java develpoment framework for FB, I will write an application to extract FB user information to construct a FOAF profile for that user. Do you have any idea or suggestion on how to do that?

    May thanks


  9. davidminhduc Avatar

    Hello Jesse,

    Could you please show me how to set up development environment in order to write facebook application using Java?
    We need eclipse, apache tomcat server, …?


  10. Carmen Delessio Avatar

    See http://www.socialjava.com for info on creating a Facebook app using Java. I created a Facebook Client and a taglib for JSP to make this easier.

    This app: http://apps.facebook.com/friendshoutout is simple, but it demonstrates the technology. Sending notifications and posting to the feed is done using taglibs. I have been able to deploy this to Google App Engine for Java, too!

    How-to info including source code is on http://www.socialjava.com

  11. Carmen Delessio Avatar

    See http://www.socialjava.com for info on creating a Facebook app using Java. I created a Facebook Client and a taglib for JSP to make this easier.

    This app: http://apps.facebook.com/friendshoutout is simple, but it demonstrates the technology. Sending notifications and posting to the feed is done using taglibs. I have been able to deploy this to Google App Engine for Java, too!

    How-to info including source code is on http://www.socialjava.com

What do YOU think? Let us know your thougts below!