A Proud Moment for the Geek Dad

I started programming in the BASIC computer language when I was 10 years old. In third grade, I won third place in my school’s Computer Fair Elementary division (I went to a very large International School in Jakarta, Indonesia). So today was a very proud moment for me when I was able to watch the joy in my 8 year old daughter’s eyes as I taught her how to write her first computer program. We taught her a very basic web page first, then, a simple alert() box in javascript. I’m a proud Papa right now.

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7 responses to “A Proud Moment for the Geek Dad”

  1. Mona N. Avatar

    Jesse – not only is she LOVELY, she is on FIREFOX, playing the Ocarina, AND programming. IN NOTEPAD! You are a great dad!!

  2. jessestay Avatar

    Next step: vim

  3. Adriana Avatar

    Wow! I that's unbelievable! Following in daddy's footsteps. Good for you! YOu should be a proud papa!!

  4. robdiana Avatar

    I was hoping you would say that 🙂 You have to train in vi-fu early.

  5. JohnyPage Avatar

    she is pretty gppd with the ocarina

  6. JohnyPage Avatar

    she is pretty gppd with the ocarina

  7. JohnyPage Avatar

    she is pretty gppd with the ocarina

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