December 2008 - Page 2 of 2 - Stay N Alive

Stay N’ Alive Has a New Design!

If you haven’t been by to visit the actual blog lately (hello my loyal RSS Readers!), you might want to click on the link up there to come see what it looks like. Thanks to my friend and talented Graphic Designer, Brandon Babb, we now have a new design! I’d also like to announce a […]


What Once Was

In October we took the family up the nearby Millcreek canyon. It was beautiful outside. The leaves had all fallen on the ground, coating it in this beautiful orange, brown, and yellow. Just as beautiful were the trees the leaves had fallen from, now barren. What once was.



We decided to take a little trip to go see the Christmas lights on Friday as a family at the Salt Lake City Mormon temple. I couldn’t resist the beauty of the lights on the water with the reflection in the background.


Finally, a Tactful Anti-Prop 8 Video!

With all the attacks against Mormons and other groups, I have been wondering why anyone could be against Prop 8 and support the people behind the no campaign – I was actually somewhat a supporter of the anti-Prop 8 campaign until my faith began to be attacked for supposedly not allowing me to support what […]


Presentations Available With Audio

Just a quick update – I’m posting my Ignite presentation below, dubbed with audio this time. It should be a great primer to get you started in Facebook Development. Also, scroll down and you’ll be able to listen to the panel I joined at Global Entrepreneurship Week Utah 2 weeks ago. Facebook Development in 5 […]