I’ve been talking about the “next new feature” of SocialToo for awhile now. Tonight, in a partnership with Guy Kawasaki of AllTop and Garage Technology Ventures, SocialToo.com announced the release of SocialSurveys, a viral way of polling your followers in a very easy manner. Here’s how it works:
- You go to Socialtoo.com and register if you have not done so already – you must provide your Twitter credentials to get the most out of it (other services will be added soon)
- Click “Create Survey” to get started
- Add your question and some answers
- Leave “Send a URL for this SocialSurvey to your Twitter friends” checked if you want to send out an update on Twitter. This posts an update automatically, with the question in the content, followed by the URL to your SocialSurvey to Twitter.
- It redirects to the survey – you can then use this URL to send to any other friends you want to see it.
In addition to SocialSurvey creation, you can also subscribe to the surveys your friends create via RSS. To do so, when you log into SocialToo, click on the RSS icon, or the link that says “Click to add (your name)’s surveys to your RSS Reader”. Add that to your RSS Feed Reader and you’ll now get every survey that user posts. It should also be noted that you can post your own surveys to FriendFeed through this method. With all this, SocialSurveys could be compared to “TwitPic, for Surveys”. You can see all my surveys here, and add them to your RSS reader via this link.
SocialSurveys top out an existing feature set that is yet to be beat amongst other individual tool providers. Existing features include:
- Automatically follow those that follow you on Twitter and Identi.ca, with no effort or e-mail rules to set up on your part.
- Specify users to “blacklist” and exclude from the auto-following
Automatically unfollow those that unfollow you on Twitter – this improves your ratio of followers to following, improving your ranking on sites such as TwitterGrader. - Send direct messages to your new followers on Twitter.
- Get daily e-mails with statistics surrounding who follows and unfollows you during the day, including your last Tweet when they followed or unfollowed you, similar to Qwitter.
- When you provide your Facebook credentials, YourUserName.socialtoo.com redirects to your Facebook profile, giving you a short, easy-to-remember URL to give your friends to point them to your Facebook profile. You can visit my Facebook profile via http://jessestay.socialtoo.com.
With the launch of SocialSurveys, SocialToo is poised to be at the fore-front of providing all the tools you need to stay on top of the Social Networks you belong to. With current integration points into Twitter, Identi.ca, and Facebook, and plans to add many more in the future, SocialToo is set to be your one-stop shop to being “Your Companion to the Social Web”. Expect more tools and features very soon!
You can see screenshots, and an excellent write-up over at LouisGray.com.
very cool Jesse!
yay i love new features!!!!
Seesmic video reply from Disqus.
Tyler, that's on my list of things to add. Can you add that to the GetSatisfaction page I have set up for Socialtoo?: http://getsatisfaction.com/socialtoo
Hi I like what you do. I understand why you do what you do. But the nasty add will make me stop using it ;-0) It's tooooooooo in the face. Johan
Johan I appreciate your suggestion. I'd love to remove them, but I've
got to pay the bills for this. Would you rather pay a subscription
fee, or have the ads?
Congratulations on the launch of SocialSurveys. As you know from my e-mails and discussions, I know that SocialToo could be a solid part of the way we use Twitter and other social networks. Glad to see this one take shape and debut.
Thanks Louis – appreciate your support.
No Jesse. Having ads is not the issue. You may/can have them. I want you to have them. I want you to make money.
Great work, I love the new survey feature and I'm sure I'll use it a lot.
Thanks Joseph – stay tuned – I believe strongly in the mantra of
“release early, release often”. You'll see much more in the coming
thanks, but I dont see anything
this is awesome, please keep in touch
[…] and Guy Kawazaki, of AllTop fame. Ownership is split between Stay N Alive and Guy. Garage.com has partnered to launch the latest updates on SocialToo, but it is unclear if the venture capital company is […]
I’m really impressed with your article, that was exactly what I was looking for.. it was certainly a great read for me, I’ll be looking forward for more of your articles cause that’s one of the best I’ve read recently. Keep up the good work
Thank you
More microblogging tools, I love it.
I've used twitter but not that much and its good there's an added features that would bring in more people to connect with each other.
very cool Jesse!
Great post! I've bookmarked your blog. Hope we can swap links.
Why can't I open your rss feed? No post is showing.
Best Regards!
[…] and Guy Kawazaki, of AllTop fame. Ownership is split between Stay N Alive and Guy. Garage.com has partnered to launch the latest updates on SocialToo, but it is unclear if the venture capital company is […]
[…] and Guy Kawazaki, of AllTop fame. Ownership is split between Stay N Alive and Guy. Garage.com has partnered to launch the latest updates on SocialToo, but it is unclear if the venture capital company is […]
[…] and Guy Kawazaki, of AllTop fame. Ownership is split between Stay N Alive and Guy. Garage.com has partnered to launch the latest updates on SocialToo, but it is unclear if the venture capital company is […]
More microblogging tools, I love it.
very cool Jesse!
No Jesse. Having ads is not the issue. You may/can have them. I want you to have them. I want you to make money.