LDS Church Ranks Top Among Churches on Alexa

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An article on the website, LDSMediaTalk, pointed me to an interesting statistic today. It appears that the official website for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,, ranks at the top of all organizational Church websites on the internet. In fact, at #3,095 and having peaked at near 2,500 at the beginning of October, it is one of the most visited websites on the Internet.

Looking at the rank, and the current membership of near 13 million members worldwide, one would wonder if it’s not just members visiting the site. Could it be mere curiosity about the Church, activity of members themselves, or does the Church itself have a more technical background than others? As a practicing member of the Faith, I have to admit these numbers were surprising to me, and I don’t have an answer to those questions. It isn’t too surprising though, in that the Church has pioneered many technologies around Family History and recently has encouraged its members to blog and use the internet for good. The church has also created a Youtube channel at

Amazingly, the church’s other main websites, (a website for Genealogy enthusiasts), and, at 11,342 and 63,314 respectively, also rank fairly high when compared to other religious websites. Here are the Alexa rankings of other large Religious organizational websites: – 25,990 (Nation of Islam) – 576,153 (Southern Baptist Convention) – 204,346 (Jehovas Witnesses) – 19,072 (The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster – just for the non-believers) – 70,560

Being not as centrally organized, I had a difficult time finding a single source for Hinduism, Buddhism, or Judaism. I also realize that Nation of Islam is only one sect of beliefs within the Islamic faith – I would be interested to see any other major Church websites out there you may be familiar with. It would be nice to see a greater presence on more Church websites like this. What other Churches rank high in Internet visibility and traffic?

7 responses to “LDS Church Ranks Top Among Churches on Alexa”

  1. Louis Gray Avatar

    How do I say this… the church is true. Alexa is not true. πŸ™‚

  2. jessestay Avatar

    I wonder if we can convince the Church to release their website
    statistics at General Conference like they do membership stats. πŸ™‚

  3. twinloops Avatar

    I suspect it's a function of the way the Church has much higher levels of ordinary member participation in the running of it. With all the people who have to prepare lessons each Sunday, want to read General Conference talks, access their ward calendar and membership directory etc., the need for people to visit must be much greater than in other Churches where much of the day to day work is taken care of by a small number of leaders who no doubt have mostly offline resources.

  4. Louis Gray Avatar

    Conference stats just got posted.

  5. Clarityx Avatar

    Louis Gray, you so right πŸ˜‰

  6. Clarityx Avatar

    Louis Gray, you so right πŸ˜‰

  7. Clarityx Avatar

    Louis Gray, you so right πŸ˜‰

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