Just in Time for F8, O'Reilly's First Book on Facebook Development Released - Stay N Alive

fbml_essentials_comp.pngI’m proud to announce that this week, just in time for Facebook F8 and OSCON, my book, FBML Essentials, will be available for purchase in print at most book stores. You can purchase it on Amazon here (be sure to leave a review!). It is scheduled to ship this Thursday, July 24th. You can also check it out online right now via O’Reilly’s Safari book store.

Some of the biggest Facebook bloggers and experts in the industry have also contributed their thoughts. Nick O’Neill, of AllFacebook.com and SocialTimes.com, contributed the Foreword for the book. Rodney Rumford, of FaceReviews.com and Gravitational Media, contributed the Afterword for the book. Justin Smith, of InsideFacebook.com and WaterCooler, was generous enough to provide a quote for the back cover (we’re hoping it made it in – I’m told it has). I’d like to thank them for their contribution.

FBML Essentials is essentially a very simple “nutshell” book that should give you all you need to get started with Facebook development in the FBML tag language, minus the API itself. It covers a howto on creating Apps from start to finish, using simple HTML and FBML to get a simple App off the ground. I go over different quirks with HTML and Javascript in regards to how Facebook parses them. I also cover the way Facebook talks to your servers, and provide a few suggestions on where to host and how to get set up properly and make your App viral. The final one half or so of the book is a thorough reference of almost (Facebook just added 2 more tags last week) every single tag Facebook provides, including examples, sample HTML that Facebook renders, and more. I even cover some unknowns (while maybe not so useful, but fun regardless) such as the tag, and tag. (yes, there are such tags, and as of the writing they work!)

If you are a web developer considering learning Facebook development, this book is a great start, and should point you in the right direction on where to go afterwards. If you’re already a Facebook developer, this book will be a great addition to your book collection, and you should be able to refer back to it often as a reference as you see need.

I imagine with today’s launch of the new Facebook design many may be wondering if the book is already out of date. Actually, I was able to get some of the last minute changes in response to the new design out in just the last 2 weeks, so this book is very up to date – O’Reilly has been wonderful to work with for this project.

Looking to learn how to write software on Facebook? FBML Essentials is a great start – pre-order yours now! Look for me at Facebook’s F8 conference this Wednesday – I’ll be shooting video, qik’ing if possible, and live-blogging where I can. Say hi if you see me around!

80 thoughts on “Just in Time for F8, O’Reilly’s First Book on Facebook Development Released

  1. It's about time we have a book about developing platforms for social networks. I will be sure to buy a copy of this book and learn how to code those applications myself. And of course, I'll be letting you know about the feedback! Two more days to go!

  2. me again, so I clicked on their “green” get started button and it takes me to a page that says to click and “go to the facebook developer app” This URL takes you to http://www.facebook.com/developers, when I click it just redirects me to my facebook profile homepage.

    is the book out of date already?

  3. me again, so I clicked on their “green” get started button and it takes me to a page that says to click and “go to the facebook developer app” This URL takes you to http://www.facebook.com/developers, when I click it just redirects me to my facebook profile homepage.

    is the book out of date already?

  4. me again, so I clicked on their “green” get started button and it takes me to a page that says to click and “go to the facebook developer app” This URL takes you to http://www.facebook.com/developers, when I click it just redirects me to my facebook profile homepage.

    is the book out of date already?

  5. me again, so I clicked on their “green” get started button and it takes me to a page that says to click and “go to the facebook developer app” This URL takes you to http://www.facebook.com/developers, when I click it just redirects me to my facebook profile homepage.

    is the book out of date already?

  6. me again, so I clicked on their “green” get started button and it takes me to a page that says to click and “go to the facebook developer app” This URL takes you to http://www.facebook.com/developers, when I click it just redirects me to my facebook profile homepage.

    is the book out of date already?

  7. me again, so I clicked on their “green” get started button and it takes me to a page that says to click and “go to the facebook developer app” This URL takes you to http://www.facebook.com/developers, when I click it just redirects me to my facebook profile homepage.

    is the book out of date already?

  8. me again, so I clicked on their “green” get started button and it takes me to a page that says to click and “go to the facebook developer app” This URL takes you to http://www.facebook.com/developers, when I click it just redirects me to my facebook profile homepage.

    is the book out of date already?

  9. me again, so I clicked on their “green” get started button and it takes me to a page that says to click and “go to the facebook developer app” This URL takes you to http://www.facebook.com/developers, when I click it just redirects me to my facebook profile homepage.

    is the book out of date already?

  10. me again, so I clicked on their “green” get started button and it takes me to a page that says to click and “go to the facebook developer app” This URL takes you to http://www.facebook.com/developers, when I click it just redirects me to my facebook profile homepage.

    is the book out of date already?

  11. me again, so I clicked on their “green” get started button and it takes me to a page that says to click and “go to the facebook developer app” This URL takes you to http://www.facebook.com/developers, when I click it just redirects me to my facebook profile homepage.

    is the book out of date already?

  12. me again, so I clicked on their “green” get started button and it takes me to a page that says to click and “go to the facebook developer app” This URL takes you to http://www.facebook.com/developers, when I click it just redirects me to my facebook profile homepage.

    is the book out of date already?

  13. me again, so I clicked on their “green” get started button and it takes me to a page that says to click and “go to the facebook developer app” This URL takes you to http://www.facebook.com/developers, when I click it just redirects me to my facebook profile homepage.

    is the book out of date already?

  14. me again, so I clicked on their “green” get started button and it takes me to a page that says to click and “go to the facebook developer app” This URL takes you to http://www.facebook.com/developers, when I click it just redirects me to my facebook profile homepage.

    is the book out of date already?

  15. me again, so I clicked on their “green” get started button and it takes me to a page that says to click and “go to the facebook developer app” This URL takes you to http://www.facebook.com/developers, when I click it just redirects me to my facebook profile homepage.

    is the book out of date already?

  16. me again, so I clicked on their “green” get started button and it takes me to a page that says to click and “go to the facebook developer app” This URL takes you to http://www.facebook.com/developers, when I click it just redirects me to my facebook profile homepage.

    is the book out of date already?

  17. me again, so I clicked on their “green” get started button and it takes me to a page that says to click and “go to the facebook developer app” This URL takes you to http://www.facebook.com/developers, when I click it just redirects me to my facebook profile homepage.

    is the book out of date already?

  18. me again, so I clicked on their “green” get started button and it takes me to a page that says to click and “go to the facebook developer app” This URL takes you to http://www.facebook.com/developers, when I click it just redirects me to my facebook profile homepage.

    is the book out of date already?

  19. me again, so I clicked on their “green” get started button and it takes me to a page that says to click and “go to the facebook developer app” This URL takes you to http://www.facebook.com/developers, when I click it just redirects me to my facebook profile homepage.

    is the book out of date already?

  20. me again, so I clicked on their “green” get started button and it takes me to a page that says to click and “go to the facebook developer app” This URL takes you to http://www.facebook.com/developers, when I click it just redirects me to my facebook profile homepage.

    is the book out of date already?

  21. me again, so I clicked on their “green” get started button and it takes me to a page that says to click and “go to the facebook developer app” This URL takes you to http://www.facebook.com/developers, when I click it just redirects me to my facebook profile homepage.

    is the book out of date already?

  22. me again, so I clicked on their “green” get started button and it takes me to a page that says to click and “go to the facebook developer app” This URL takes you to http://www.facebook.com/developers, when I click it just redirects me to my facebook profile homepage.

    is the book out of date already?

  23. Hi, I just receive the FBML book and am trying to go through the “Hello World” “step 2”.

    I created an FB account, set it up as a developer account.

    I don't see a “get started” in pink, nor can I find this “add facebook developer” icon

  24. Facebook changed their developers page just last week without warning me –
    I'll try to see if I can update that on the book's Facebook Page.

  25. Congratulations Jesse! I'm pretty excited about the possibilities for Facebook apps. I've talked to several people lately who are using them as to showcase their development skills.

    Edit: Just noticed this is a few months old. Thanks for confusing me, FriendFeed! I still think FB development is a fun niche.

  26. Congratulations Jesse! I'm pretty excited about the possibilities for Facebook apps. I've talked to several people lately who are using them as to showcase their development skills.

    Edit: Just noticed this is a few months old. Thanks for confusing me, FriendFeed! I still think FB development is a fun niche.

  27. me again, so I clicked on their “green” get started button and it takes me to a page that says to click and “go to the facebook developer app” This URL takes you to http://www.facebook.com/developers, when I click it just redirects me to my facebook profile homepage.

    is the book out of date already?

  28. me again, so I clicked on their “green” get started button and it takes me to a page that says to click and “go to the facebook developer app” This URL takes you to http://www.facebook.com/developers, when I click it just redirects me to my facebook profile homepage.

    is the book out of date already?

What do YOU think? Let us know your thougts below!