Me at Web 2.0 Expo - Stay N Alive

Me at Web 2.0 Expo

Picture 8.pngI’ll be at Web 2.0 Expo starting tomorrow, April 22 through Friday, April 25. This, in my opinion, is one of the conferences to be at this year, as I really feel we’re getting to a tipping point towards the evolution of Social Networks. Expect to hear a lot about Enterprise 2.0, Future of Mobile, and of course, the future of Social Networks. I’ll do my best to live-blog what I can on the Stay N’ Alive blog,, and I’ll be bringing along my wife’s Flip digital video camera so maybe I’ll even get some good video while I’m out there.

I’ll be bringing several signed copies (by both me and Jason) of “I’m on Facebook–Now What???” with me, which, if you’re a blogger and can convince me why I should give you a free copy (I love giveaways to your audience if you have a good audience) come see me. Or, if you already have a copy of the book I’m happy to sign copies while I’m there. I’ll be posting my whereabouts on Twitter so you should be able to find me. Also, look for me at the O’Reilly booth on Wednesday around 3pm. I’ll be also promoting my upcoming book, FBML Essentials and would love to meet you!

If you want to follow where I am, again, there’s Twitter, or feel free to check out my schedule here. Also, add me on Crowdvine!

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4 thoughts on “Me at Web 2.0 Expo

  1. It was great – I got what I wanted out of it. It all depends what you want
    out of it – are you looking for networking, learning, or promotion of your
    brand? You can make any of those out of any conference – it all depends on
    if this conference covers what you want out of it most.

  2. It was great – I got what I wanted out of it. It all depends what you want
    out of it – are you looking for networking, learning, or promotion of your
    brand? You can make any of those out of any conference – it all depends on
    if this conference covers what you want out of it most.

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