I just read this article:
So, a girl’s friends get offended by Mormons, causing them to make inappropriate comments about Mormons. Then, Mormon Girl gets offended by those comments and says “That’s so Gay!”. School Administrators get offended (are they gay?), and suspend the girl for her comments. Girl and her parents get offended by School Administrators by her suspension, and file suit against the School District.
Thank goodness the judge put a stop to this! Should the girl get justice for her offense? Maybe, but when will this stop? Were she to win, would the school administrators be offended and file counter-suit? What happened to forgive and forget? I feel bad for the girl – I’ve been offended myself over similar comments about Mormons, never punished for my reaction for it, but I understand her feelings and reaction – I still don’t see the need to push this any further. Good for the judge – what’s done is done.