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Server Issues

I recently switched to Media Temple for my hosting – I got tired of worrying about uptime, etc. on my own server. I tried WestHost, here in Utah, for a couple days, but they just didn’t have enough flexibility, in particular for Ruby on Rails support. Media Temple even has a page for how to set up Typo in their docs, so I was sold right away (this blog is written on Typo).

Anyway, despite my satisfaction with Media Temple, it seems they are having some server issues. This site maybe up and down in the next few days until I get this issue sorted out. Hold tight until I can fix it.

Oh, did I mention I’m learning Ruby on Rails? More about that later…

Fedora and Mailman Issues

I decided to get this on here so it gets index by the engines and others can find it if they run into the same thing. Hopefully it’s useful for someone.

If you run into a problem where the web interface/ui for mailman just returns a bunch of jibberish and appears to just be returning the text content of the binary cgi’s in the mailman cgi-bin, it probably means you aren’t loading mod_cgi. Turns out Fedora needs mod_cgi loaded for those to be treated as cgis.

After that, alter the permissions on your /var/log/mailman/error file to allow more write access (you’ll notice odd errors in your httpd error logs if you don’t). After that, just follow the errors in /var/log/mailman/error – you’ll see permissions errors, of which you’ll need to ensure you set permissions on all the files it errors out on. Setting the sticky bit on your lists, /etc/mailman, and a couple other places may prove useful, and keep some of those errors from coming back when you add lists in the future. Voila – working Mailman!

JesseStay.com it is!

Well, forget unclejesse.org – I just discovered (accidentally) unclejesse.com is a porn site. I’d hate others to come upon it accidentally so I’m going to just stick with jessestay.com and the theme of “Stay N’ Alive”. The Slogan contest still goes, and bonus points if you can come up with a good logo with a “Stay N’ Alive” theme.

Slogan Contest

I’m going to resubmit the rss link for this to openclue. My apologies if this spams openclue on first post there. It should not keep spamming though.

Soon you will be accessing this site through unclejesse.org. I am going to start a contest. In the comments section, please submit your entries for the UncleJesse.org slogan contest. It needs to be something catchy that will appear with the title of the site, and definitely something Uncle Jesse (from Dukes of Hazzard) related. If you want to submit a logo to go with it, bonus points!

Winner gets me to share my backcountry.com employee discount with them – they get to select one item from backcountry.com within the next 6 months, and I’ll give them cost+10% (my employee discount) on the item. Winner must purchase through me and leave a review for the item on backcountry.com when purchased. Submit your entries by July 4th, 2006!