Twitter – Page 7 – Stay N Alive

Learn How to Game Twitter at My BlogWorld Panel

BlogWorld09_150px_SpeakerThat’s right – you heard it right.  Next week I’ll be on a panel at BlogWorld Expo in Las Vegas where we’ll show you all the ways you can game Twitter, increase your followers, and be the top Twitter user in your area.  Be prepared though because we’re also going to show you why that’s also not the best focus and how it actually could hurt your brand more than help it.

The panel I’m on is with some big names in the industry, especially in Twitterville itself.  My friend Micah Baldwin, inventor of #followfriday will be joining us, along with Lucretia Pruitt, a.k.a. @GeekMommy on Twitter, and one of the Wal-Mart 11 Moms.  I’ll of course be bringing my experience with SocialToo and the Twitter API, and we’ll also be joined by Reem Abeido of GroupM Search and Mr. Citizen Marketer, Aaron Strout himself.

We’re going up against some big names in the industry at the same time, so be sure to mark our session and make sure you’re clear which room and what time ours is at.  We’re in room 228 from 11:30am to 12:30pm on October 16th (that’s Friday).  The session is called “The Twitter Game – How to ‘Play’ Social Networking and Why it’s a Bad Idea”.  Go ahead, mark your calendar – I’ll wait…

Are you done?  Okay, I’ll wait some more…

Okay, now that you’ve marked your calendar and confirmed that you’re coming to our session and not the others (although I’ll forgive you if you don’t, maybe) let me give just one more motivation for coming.  To those in the audience I’ll randomly hand out one signed FBML Essentials book.  This book is valuable for both developers and marketers, as it will help anyone trying to understand the Facebook platform get into the hang of things with just a simple knowledge of HTML and maybe a little Javascript.

Also, if you haven’t registered for BlogWorld Expo yet, I’m told you can use PeopleBrowsr’s special code, “PB20” at this link and you’ll get 20% off registration.  Now, be sure to thank me by coming to our session!

Who’s the Lucky Twit? Find Out With Kosmix’s New Tool

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Kosmix has launched a new tool aimed at helping brands to easily and randomly select people mentioning specific keywords in a short time-frame.  The service, called Lucky Twit, is a slot machine of Tweets enabling you to randomly select winning Tweets by keyword.  The tool was recently used to find winners of my FBML Essentials book at a Twitter developer event I spoke at recently, and is now available to the public.

To make the tool work, just go to, enter some keywords in the upper-right that may have been posted to Twitter in the last week or two.  Click the “Reset” button, and your virtual “slot machine” of Tweets will be filled up ready to be randomized.  Click the “Spin” button, and like a slot machine the Tweets matching those keywords will spin around randomly, and the selector will stop at one at a random time, selecting the winner.

Such a simple tool has been very much needed by brands sponsoring contests and giveaways on Twitter, and even live events.  For instance, recently we hosted a contest on SocialToo where we gave away several free accounts to our service.  This service would have made that process much easier.

So give it a try and let me know what you think.  I have no disclosure on this other than I think it’s a pretty useful tool.  In fact, retweet this article, and in the next 24 hours I’ll use the tool to randomly select one person that retweets the article and give them a free, signed hard-copy of my book FBML Essentials.  Get started retweeting now!

Oh, and expect this tool to get used a few times while I’m at BlogWorld Expo next week – follow me on Twitter for updates!

The You, the Me, and the We – How I’m Changing How I Use Twitter

Sad PuppyI accidentally unfollowed all my followers.

I was testing out the unfollow all feature on my site,, and just happened to hit the “delete all friends” button by mistake without realizing it. For that, I apologize.  I learned something valuable from it though – out of the 23,000 people I unfollowed on accident, I was very surprised at the number of people that have auto-unfollow on by default.  About 6,000 to be exact.  So out of the 23,000 people following me 1/4th of those probably still have no clue I unfollowed them – 6,000 people following me had a meaningless relationship with me!

There’s more though – I post a lot of links to my profile.  A lot of those promote other people.  Some promote blog posts I write.  In general, for the blog posts I write, I generally only get about 20-50 of you on Twitter that actually click on the links!  That’s a depressing number coming from a follower base of 23,000 people.

This got me thinking about how I can build stronger relationships with the people I follow.  How do I get people to add me to their whitelist?  How can I get to know you better, and how can I get you to know me better at the same time? Twitter is very difficult to nurture this type of relationship – it was built as a broadcasting platform that happened to evolve to become a communications and is trying to be a relationships platform.  It also degraded to the point that most of the people that follow you now aren’t even real people! I would venture to say that a good portion (1/4th?) of Twitter’s populace are there with the sole intent to gain a larger follower base.

This isn’t why I use Twitter. I came here to share something.  I came here to learn something from others. The connections we gain from learning from each other are what matter to me. Some times we entertain each other.  Some times we teach each other.  I’m here to strengthen others’ knowledge and learn from others at the same time, not inflate a number for anyone, especially myself. IMO the whole “numbers thing” should happen naturally.  That’s how we engage.  That’s how we build real relationships – that’s what true marketing is, or should be about.

So starting today I’m starting something new with my Twitter account.  I want to strengthen my relationships with each and every one of you.  I want to build a community, and I’m starting with Twitter.

Starting today I’m now using 3 Twitter accounts.  The first one, which you are already familiar with, @Jesse, is about me.  The second one, which I’m starting today, @JessesLinks, is about YOU.  The third one, @JesseStay, is where the community happens – it’s about WE.  Here’s a little more explanation:


This account is about me.  It’s not your typical Twitter “me” account any more.  Starting today, I’m only posting content here.  Pure content – no links, no replies.  Just 140 character morsels of knowledge as I feel like sharing.  Its intent is to be informative, entertaining, and educational.  I may also share a link to a blog post or two of my own where I feel I need to elaborate.  I won’t be replying to anyone publicly on this account any more.  I won’t be auto following at the moment. The purpose of this account is pure content, for those that want to consume it.  This is a public account for all to see and follow.


This account is about YOU. This is where I share your stuff.  If you have something cool you want to share with me, let me know there.  I may retweet a few good Tweets here.  I’ll even auto follow on this account.  While I won’t be @replying to anyone publicly on this account, this is where I get to share your content. Maybe I’ll do a couple #followfridays to promote specific people as well.  You can DM me here.  This is a public account about you – those that follow this account will learn more about other people and the content they share.


This is actually my old account – I thought I’d put it to good use.  This account is all about US. Those that request access to this account will be followed rigorously by me.  Depending on how big it gets I may even follow your updates via SMS to ensure I get them.  This will become my “favorites list”.  I’ll actively interact with you through this account.  I’ll respond to your tweets.  I’ll import all the best posts from @Jesse and @JessesLinks here.  I’m going to manually (yes, manually) follow every person that is real and requests access to this account.  This is where I want to build true relationships.

I want to try a little experiment with this account though.  I’m going to make it private. This is so our conversation remains intimate.  This is also so you have to do a little something to join the community.  It makes each person in the community a little more real.  As I said earlier, I plan to follow every real person that requests access to this community.  There’s one caveat though – I’m going to ask each individual that joins this community to introduce themselves.  I want you and me to get to know each other better. I want all of us to get to know each other better through this community.

If you have to pick one account to follow I would recommend joining the @JesseStay community. This is where I want to empower relationships between us.  This is where I want our conversation to become one-on-one, and real.  Will you join me here?

This is all just an experiment for now.  I’m curious if I might be able to strengthen the relationships of those that follow me through this method.  I want to build real-life relationships with each of you – let’s work to do this together.  Maybe I’ll post a follow up later on how it all goes.

Let me know your thoughts and suggestions in the comments.

Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff Has 8,000 Twitter Followers. And?

Screen shot 2009-09-25 at 12.12.16 PMToday Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff, our favorite Twitter political celebrity and Senate candidate who DM Failed his Senate campaign announcement, made another announcement on Twitter (at the same time calling all of us “Twitophiles”) I just had to share with you – yes, (gasp!) he has more than 8,000 Twitter followers.  That’s right my friends – the candidate set to take on Senator Bob Bennett for his Senate seat is “Taking Back America” one Twitter follower at a time until he’s taken them all and he owns Utah on Twitter.  Or is he?

Let’s look at his follower numbers – there’s something fishy here.  While he has 8,063 followers, he’s following 8,743.  From my experience of running an auto-follow service (which he’s not using – buy Utah!), generally when the numbers of people you are following is higher than those that are following you, it generally means a) you are running an auto-follow tool, and b) probably about half of those followers are spam bots, porn accounts, and not even real people.  And sure enough, going through his list of followers I’m seeing names like “PronDb”, “InstantBizHelp”, “QuitYourJob2Day”, and “PokerSSpace”.  Let’s just assume those are real people with real interest in him though.

Assuming all those followers are real, how many are actually listening to him?  How many of them are using “search for followers” services like Twollo and just followed him because they have it set to automatically follow anybody that says “Utah”?  Here’s my point: Twitter follower numbers mean nothing and I certainly hope someone doesn’t win a political campaign because they have more Twitter followers than their other opponents.  As I’ve said before, having a large following on Twitter only means you have to shout louder for everyone to hear.

Rather than focusing on followers, Mr. Shurtleff should instead be focusing on engaging each of his followers – building relationships with them.  Twitter’s a very difficult place to do that.  He could be setting up forums on Facebook where he actively participates and engages his audience in discussion.  He could be blogging, and interacting with his readers in the comments.  He could be responding, in short form on Twitter, while not as effective, to those responding to him on Twitter.  He could be over here, engaging with us in the comments of this blog and other Utah-based blogs.  Looking over his Tweet stream I see a lot of “talking at me”.  Instead he should be “talking with me” – this is a 2-way conversation Mr. Shurtleff, and the fact that you’re bragging about your Twitter followers as a political crutch against your opponents shows to me that you, possibly more than them, still don’t understand these tools.

Based on the way he’s using these tools, I would find it very hard to believe that even a majority of his audience is actually listening to Mark Shurtleff.  Post a link in your Twitter profile through – I think you’d be very surprised how many people of those 8,000 actually click on that link.  Now go over to your blog and post that same link.  I think you’ll see a much greater response.  Twitter has its purpose, but I’m afraid Mark Shurtleff seems clueless when it comes to Social Media.  Of course, it should be noted that his opponent only has 7 Tweets referencing himself in the third person with only 101 followers.  Maybe Utah politicians are just clueless – I’ll vote for that.

Editor’s Note: I neither endorse, nor am I against Mark Shurtleff. Heck, I may even vote for him – I post this only hoping to educate Utah politicians and others in whatever manner possible – this is embarrassing!

Twitter Starts the Chatter on API Guidelines

TwitterOn the Twitter development mailing list today Twitter began discussion on rules developers should abide by when writing applications for the Twitter API.  Such terms come on the heels of a much broader Terms of Service launched for the general Twitter user today. I’ve long discussed the need for such guidelines, as many developers are embarking on an unknown adventure when writing apps for the platform, unable to tell when something they are doing is breaking rules for Twitter platform usage.  We’ve seen this get out of hand with the launch of many “get-rich-quick” applications, along with applications that Tweet on your behalf either in public or DM form without your knowledge.

Twitter’s initial platform guidelines include the following, stating that developers of Twitter applications must:

  • Identify the user that authored or provided the Tweet, unless you are providing Tweets in an aggregate form or in anonymous form in those exceptional cases where concerns over user security and anonymity are involved.
  • Maintain the integrity of Tweets and not edit or revise them. Tweets may be abbreviated for display purposes and as necessary due to technical limitations or requirements of any networks, devices, services or media.
  • Get each user’s consent before sending Tweets or other messages on their behalf. A user authenticating with your application does not constitute consent to send a message.
  • Get permission from the user that created the Tweet if you want to make their Tweet into a commercial good or product, like using a Tweet on a t-shirt or a poster or making a book based on someone’s Tweets.

The most significant of the 4 items is that apps will no longer be able to send Tweets on a user’s behalf without their permission, although this is unclear if this includes automated DMs, and if this permission must be on a “Tweet-by-Tweet” basis or not.  In addition, users can feel secure that their Tweets will not be used without their permission in a commercial endeavor, although I’m pretty sure Copyright law will protect this.

This is a great move by Twitter, and one I strongly welcome.  Even if it prevents some developers from building applications, it sets the record straight so they know what they can, and can’t be doing.  Keep in mind that this is only a proposal at the moment, and nothing is set in stone.  You can contribute to the discussion on the developers mailing list.


Hey Businesses, You’re Using Facebook Wrong

You're doing it wrongRobert Scoble just finished a great blog post on why he thinks Twitter is worth much more than people give it credit for.  He cites its ease of use for businesses and open nature as an easy way for businesses to target customers.  He and I had a conversation about this on FriendFeed, and while I still feel Facebook has the upper-hand here, it definitely has to open up a little more in order to be completely on par with Twitter.  However, there is a side of Facebook businesses aren’t yet fully utilizing and they need to start – it’s a wealth of information and user connections at their hands if they just embrace it.  The part of Facebook businesses are completely missing is Facebook Connect.

In my conversation with Robert we were discussing whether Facebook or Twitter had a better UI.  I think our conversation may have been moot, since in the end the part of Twitter most people see is via a desktop client of some sort.  Many of us are seeing trends via TweetDeck, or friend lists via Seesmic and similar.  Or perhaps we’re searching via PeopleBrowsr. There is a majority group of people out there that simply aren’t aware of the basic UI Twitter has on its own website.  Yet at the same time I don’t think developers are coming anywhere near close enough to what they could be embracing with the Facebook API for desktop clients – there is so much developers are missing when it comes to Facebook!

Regardless, even if you take the plain-Jane websites and compare them with each other, Twitter, while much more open and easier to find archives than Facebook out of the box, pales in comparison to Facebook when you compare UIs.  Facebook has threaded conversations.  Facebook has friend lists, and you can sort your feeds by friend lists.  You can completely control who sees what you post on Facebook.  You can’t do any of that with Twitter.  Facebook has likes.  While Twitter has favorites, I can always do the same on Facebook and “share” a link or similar to my profile and anyone can always reference it later under my links.  I can separate my links, videos, and photos (which appear in-line, not via 3rd-party service) from my main status update stream if I want to.  You can view just my links, just my videos, or just my photos, and for links even download the stream as RSS.  You can do real groups in Facebook – on Twitter you have to hack it with hashtags.  You can organize true events in Facebook, and store a full profile about yourself or even your business.  Keep in mind that most of this is also available to your business as well.  It seems to me that the ONLY thing Facebook lacks is a decent way to search (while they do have that too, it’s still limited), and a fully open version of the site that businesses can easily embrace like they do Twitter. It would seem Twitter still has a lot to catch up to.  Yes, that’s a big thing, but much more simple to put in place than all the other things I mentioned above.

Now, back to my original point about Facebook Connect.  On FriendFeed Robert said to me, “I’ve talked with dozens of businesses and they all say Facebook isn’t working as well for them.”  I believe he’s seeing that.  I think the majority of businesses are using Facebook wrong though.  Even though I say that I also know, consult, and talk to dozens of businesses in which Facebook is working for them.  Some businesses are using it right.  Ask Digg how they’ve done since integrating Facebook.  Ask Huffington Post how well they’re doing now that they’ve integrated Facebook.  What about FriendFeed’s integration?  Heck, even my SocialToo saw a huge spike since we integrated SocialToo Status into our product line, utilizing Facebook.  Or what about Geni, or iLike, or Flixter?  All these businesses were still businesses before Facebook.  Facebook is what has given them an incredible boost since their integration though.

Businesses aren’t integrating Facebook Connect as they should.  Here’s what Facebook Connect is – with just about 3 lines of HTML-like code (it’s called XFBML in Facebook terms) and a small snippet of Javascript that you can basically just copy and paste, you can have your site’s users logging into your website (didn’t have a log in before?  Well now you do, along with your very own social network of 300 million people.) with hardly any effort whatsoever.

Now, let’s get a little deeper.  Facebook Connect, with the help and just a few hours time of one of your own coders, can take your existing database of users and find out how many of them are already Facebook users.  My bet is most of them are (remember, there are near 300 million Facebook users on the planet!).  Now you can prompt those users to begin telling their friends about your brand to their closest friends and relatives, using just the tools Facebook provides, ALL ON YOUR OWN WEBSITE. Oh, and even better – unlike Twitter, your users never, ever, leave your website when authenticating with Facebook. You simply won’t get that intimacy between your brand and customers on Twitter.

Have social features already on your website?  Look at what Digg is doing with Facebook Connect.  Every single user that joins Digg through Facebook Connect, or associates their account with a Facebook account for the first time through Facebook Connect, AUTOMATICALLY has their Facebook Friends who have also done the same added as friends on as well.  Automatically, with no work on your users’ part, you can associate your users with their already existing social graph on Facebook, let them communicate, send stuff to their wall, their friends’ walls, and more, all simply via the Facebook API, ON YOUR OWN WEBSITE.

Twitter pales in comparison to what Facebook can do for businesses. The majority of businesses are just using Facebook wrong.  If you manage a business’s marketing or brand management campaign and only have a Facebook Page, YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG.  The power of Facebook isn’t about Facebook itself, but about the vast set of APIs Facebook is providing to you and your business to get your brand into the most valuable place of all – that intimate setting between a customer and their close friends and family.  You can’t do that with Twitter.  You can with Facebook.  This is why if Twitter is worth $5 billion, Facebook is worth at least 2 or 3 or more times that. Your business needs to get in and use Facebook right if you’re going to stay ahead of the game.

Robert Scoble is giving Mark Zuckerberg free consulting (his points of which I agree with) – I hope this bit of free consulting for your business was helpful too.  If your business is to see even more value than they are on Twitter, you MUST be using Facebook Connect. That is the way you embrace Facebook as a business.  Contact me if you need any more help than this. As a software developer on both networks, this is why I got into Facebook – it’s why I’m still bullish about the network.

Now to get back to coding…

Oh, the Trouble With OAuth

OAuthThis article has been sitting on my desk for the past week or so, and recent activities around the Twitter/Facebook/LiveJournal/Blogger DDoS attacks have made it even more applicable, so it’s good I waited. The problem centers around the “Open” authentication protocol, OAuth, and how I believe it is keeping companies like Twitter who want to be “Open” from becoming, as they call it, “the pulse of the Internet”. The problem with OAuth is that, while it is indeed an “Open” protocol, it is neither federated, nor decentralized. We need a decentralized authentication protocol that doesn’t rely on just the likes of Twitter or Flickr or Google or Yahoo.

Let’s start by covering a little about what OAuth is. OAuth centers, as the name implies, on Authorization. This is not to be confused with identity, which other decentralized solutions like OpenID focus on. The idea behind OAuth is that any website, or “Service Provider”, will accept a certain set of HTTP requests, handle them, and send them back to the developer, or “Consumer” in exactly the same way as any other OAuth protocol does. OAuth tries to solve the issue of phishing and storage of plain-text usernames and passwords by sending the user from the Consumer website, to the Service Provider’s website to authenticate (through their own means or means such as OpenID), and then authorize. On Twitter this process is done via an “Allow” or “Deny” button the user can choose to enable an application to make API calls on their behalf. Once authorized, the Service Provider sends the user back to the Consumer’s website, which is given a series of tokens to make API calls on behalf of that user.

OAuth’s strengths are that it is easily deployable by any site that wants a central, secure, and understood authorization architecture. Any developer can deploy an OAuth instance to communicate with APIs that provide OAuth architectures because libraries have been built around the architecture for developers’ preferred programming languages, and adapting to a new site implementing OAuth is only a matter of changing a few URLs, tokens, and callback URLs. I’m afraid that’s where OAuth’s strengths end, though.

Let me just put this out there: The User Experience behind OAuth is horrible! From a user’s perspective, having to go to an entirely new website, log in, then go back to another authorization page, and then back to the originating website is quite a process for an e-commerce or web company that is focusing on sales around that user. No e-commerce company in their right mind would put their users through that process, as the sale would be lost with half the users that tried it. Not to mention the fact that (and I don’t know if this has anything to do with the actual OAuth protocol) with most OAuth implementations there is no way to customize the process the user goes through. For example, on Twitter, I can’t specify a message for my users specific to my app when they authorize it. I can’t customize it in any way to my look and feel. I completely lose control when the user leaves my site to authorize and authenticate.

Let’s add to that the problem of the iPhone, desktop apps, and other mobile apps. Sure, you can redirect the user within the app to a website to authorize, but again, you’re taking them away from the app flow during that process. It’s a pain, and headache for users to log in using that method! Not to mention they have to do that EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. they log in through your app since there’s a good chance they were not logged into Twitter or Flickr or other OAuth app in the first place. It’s a huge problem for OAuth developers on these devices, and less-than-ideal.

Now, back to my original point. The biggest problem with OAuth is that it requires a centralized architecture to properly authorize each application. We see this is a problem when entire apps like my own can’t authenticate users when Twitter gets bombarded by DDoS attack. The need for centralized control of each app on their platform is understandable, in that in the end the companies implementing OAuth still need a way to “turn off” an application if an app gets out of hand. Of course, one solution to this from the developer’s (Consumer’s) perspective is to implement their own authentication and authorization scheme rather than relying on someone like Twitter’s. This is less than ideal though, since most of our users all belong to some other network that already handles this process for us. Why require our users to repeat the “account creation” process to overcome centralization?

I think there is a better solution though. What if a distributed group of “controlling sources” handled this instead, giving each company admin control over their own authorization? What I propose is that a new layer to OAuth be created (or new protocol, either way), enabling trusted “entities” to, on a peer-to-peer (federated) basis, sync authorization pools of users and their distinct permissions between each Consumer app and Service Provider. Companies/Service Providers could then register with these “controlling sources”, and they would have admin access to turn Consumer apps on or off in the event of abuse within their app.

So let’s say you’re Twitter and you want to let your developers authorize with your API. You register on one of these “controlling sources”, they confirm you’re legit (this could possibly be done via technology in some form, perhaps OpenID and FOAF), and let you create your own “domain” on the “controlling source”. Twitter would now have their own key on the “controlling source” to give developers, and the controlling source would divvy out tokens to developers wanting to access Twitter’s API. Twitter’s API could verify with the controlling source on each call that the call is legit. To kill an application, they would just need to log into the controlling source and deny the application. The application would get denied at the controlling source before it even hit Twitter’s API.

What makes this open is that, if this were itself written under an open protocol, anyone could theoretically create one of these “controlling sources”. So long as they operated under the same protocol, they would operate and work exactly the same, no matter who they were. Developers could then pick and choose what “controlling source” they wanted to authorize through. If one went down, they could switch to another. Of course, there are some security issues and authenticity of “controlling source” issues that need to be worked out, but you get the idea. This would essentially completely de-centralize the entire authorization process. Authorization itself would quickly become a federated process.

Now, that still doesn’t solve the User Experience issues I mentioned earlier. To solve those, I think we should look at Facebook and what they’re doing with Facebook Connect. With Facebook Connect, the user never leaves the Consumer’s website to authorize and authenticate. They click a button, a popup comes up, they log in, and a javascript callback notifies the app the user has been authorized and authenticated. It’s essentially a simple, 3-step process that completely leaves the website owner in control. In addition, Facebook has provided Javascript methods allowing the developer to confirm various states of authenticity, without the user having to leave the website. I’d like to see OAuth emulate this model more. Right now I’d rather implement Facebook Connect than OAuth for these reasons.

I think, as both Dave Winer and Rob Diana point out, there are some serious issues being brought up from the recent DDoS attacks against Twitter and other sites. Twitter’s inability to handle the DDoS attacks when compared to the others I think shows we need much more Federation from the site, as well as the “Open” protocols it is trying to build around. Twitter wants to become a utility. There is no way that will ever happen until they Federate, and I think that has to start with a change to the OAuth protocol.

Taking a Stand on Twitter’s Auto-DM Policy #endautodm

buck stops hereI’ve long mentioned my annoyance with automatic DMs after follow and elsewhere. It’s one of the reasons I built SocialToo, and we’re doing things there to combat the process. Unfortunately it’s not perfect. In fact, even with the anti-spam measures SocialToo has in place, it’s getting to the point that most of the DMs I receive are non-legitimate messages that many of the users probably have no idea were sent on their behalf. My other followers get hurt because of that because I can often miss their messages. Chris Brogan mentions, which I admit recently is a major perpetrator of my DMs. But there are others too: Tweetlater (which has the ability to opt out, and we’ll even do it for you on SocialToo), Twollow, Twollo, Mob Wars, SpyMaster, and many others. Too many to know which one needs to go to and opt out of, assuming they even have a solution (which most do not).

Twitter could fix this easily. Facebook already does this – they allow users to identify that they do not want to receive any more messages or invites from a specific app. Then, the minute they do that, the app can keep sending invites, but that user will never see them again. In addition, the app gets dinged a “spaminess score”, reducing the number of app invites it can send out per user. Users have full control, and they can still be friends with people that like to use these apps.

Twitter needs a similar system – it wouldn’t be very hard to require all apps to identify themselves via a developer Terms Of Service (I’ve talked about this before), either by OAuth or some other means, and then provide the tools necessary to allow users to opt out of receiving DMs and @mentions generated by these applications if the user does not want to receive them. Based on a current discussion in the developers mailing list for Twitter, I’m guessing developers wouldn’t be opposed, either. At the very least, open up the API to allow the identification of these applications while requiring them to identify themselves. Blacklist and ban the applications not willing to comply.


I’m getting sick of the auto-dms. Chris Brogan is sick. Sean Percival is sick. Robert Scoble is sick. Jeremiah Owyang is sick. The list goes on and on, and we’re not the only ones. Starting today I’m taking a stand. I want to show what my inbox looks like right now. For that reason, I’ve taken a screenshot of my Twitter DM box and posted it as my Twitter avatar. If you are against this practice, change your avatar to your own DM inbox, and retweet this to your followers (click on it, and it will auto-populate Twitter for you):

I’m changing my avatar to my Twitter DM inbox in protest of automated DMs on Twitter #endautodm

You can include a link to this article if you like, but that’s not required. I want to send a message to Twitter that this is a serious problem. It’s time to end automated direct messages once and for all. I’m done with them. Will you join me?

Here’s a FriendFeed Real-time search of #endautodm – will you contribute? Just end your tweets with #endautodm:

Twitter’s New Monetization Strategy?


This is just too good not to share. Twitter CEO, Ev Williams, Tweeted this tonight – I’m not quite sure if it was supposed to be a DM, a drunk Tweet, or if he really did actually mean to send that, but I’m clueless as to what it is supposed to mean.  Is this Twitter’s new monetization strategy?  Or did Twitter just find a new way to make itself a “utility”?  Let’s see who can come up with the most creative explanation.