Please Don’t Vote!
You’ve probably already seen this, but I feel a responsibility to continue the Meme. Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or Independent like me, with the looming credit crisis, no matter what your position, we have an even stronger responsibility to vote. While in many states it may not matter your Presidential candidate of choice, there are also […]
Read more...House Committee Seeks to Tighten the Content You Can See in Government
Representative John Culberson, the Twittering and Qik’ing Congressman from my good old home town of Houston, Texas, has been on a rampage this morning about a proposed new regulation for the House of Representatives, which, he claims, will require all world wide web communications from the House floor from those in congress to receive “prior […]
Read more...London Earthquake and Twitter
As I was blogging about emergencies yesterday, I saw an amazing thing happen today. I mentioned I am tracking the term, “earthquake” on Twitter. This evening I started receiving a large influx of Twitters on my cellphone, almost non-stop that an earthquake had hit London. It was almost immediate, and turning to the news revealed […]
Read more...Twitter as a Tool for Disasters and Emergencies
First, let me start by apologizing for the silence. I kind of went dark over the weekend for an all-weekend binge to finish a project developing a Facebook app for a very large client. I’m actually quite pleased with what we were able to accomplish in just a matter of 2 days! (and no sleep, […]
Read more...The Power of the Small Community
It used to be, one could make a deal on just a handshake. People could leave their doors unlocked on their homes and their cars without worry of break in. A man’s word was his bond. Everyone knew everyone, by name. This wasn’t the world I grew up in, but I’m told by my Grandparents, […]
Read more...Big Error on Voucher Ads in Deseret News
I thought I’d share this photo – see anything wrong? I hope Deseret News corrects this – only further making their point on the confusion of the 2 ad campaigns. Just say “vote for vouchers!” or “don’t vote for vouchers!” – don’t confuse the public!
Read more...One More Reason for School Vouchers
I completely agree with Seth Godin: If students can now get more information at a single time, in a single place, our teachers need to adapt and teach better to handle this!
Read more...Supporting School Vouchers the Social Way
I know a lot of you bloggers out there are pro-school vouchers. If not, blog about it and link to me! Utah is about to have one of the most heated votes in the history of the state, as it gets ready to allow residents to vote for or against School Vouchers. “Referendum 1” it […]
Read more...Public Schools the Demise of the LDS Church?
Okay I missed my Sunday school topic for yesterday so hopefully this makes up for it. Forgive me if I go on a little political rant here. I was thinking about going over “Mormons Exposed”, but Laura Moncur beat me to it. So I came across another ridiculous piece of “Mormon News” today. It appears […]
Read more...NASA: Just Lose the Shuttle, Will You?
I was just at Seth Godin’s Talk, and somehow the topic of NASA came up. Seth mentioned that if he were to suggest one thing for NASA, it would be to remove the Shuttle program. He said that the Shuttle program we know is unsafe, costly, and has issues. He suggested that were they to […]