Category: Perl

  • Using Perl/Catalyst and Want to Use Sometrics? Try This.

    I’ve been analyzing various Social Applications Analytics tools lately, and have recently stumbled upon Sometrics. Sometrics handles full Analytics for your Facebook, Bebo, and MySpace applications, and will actually utilize the Facebook API to retrieve demographic info about those visiting your Application. As I examine the other Analytics solutions for Facebook and other Social Network…

  • Who Said Perl is Dead?

    I’ve been following the issue list for Google App Engine (just realized it doesn’t have an “s” in the official name), and the two top issues are a dead heat between Perl and Ruby in the requests to have Ruby or Perl support. Ruby, as of this writing is at 361 votes, and Perl is…

  • Google Announces "Google Apps Engine"

    Okay, so I was wrong – it was worth a try. I do still expect more large announcements related to Social Media from Google. Just recently, Google announced their “Google Apps Engine” (will it be nicknamed, “GAE”?). It is essentially a competitor with Amazon’s EC2, S3, and SimpleDB, but at a much higher level. You’ll…

  • Well Done Guy! Chris DeVore is a Cheapskate

    I just caught this article from Mashable and I just had to pipe in. In the article, Mashable’s Kristen Nicole claims Guy Kawasaki paid too much for the development of AllTop, at $10,000. They compare it to, claiming Chris DeVore only paid $7500 for the development of Askablogr, with its rich feature-set. I was…

  • Twitter Opens Their Messaging Platform

    Today, in the first post on the new Twitter Technology Blog, Alex Payne announced that Twitter is releasing their underlying messaging platform, which they call, “Starling”, to the community. From the announcement it appears Starling is the basis for handling all communication underneath Twitter, speaks memcached, and reminds me in some ways of Perl POE,…

  • Jesse Stay is Now a Bebo Developer and Consultant!

    That’s right – you may now add Bebo to my list of expertise. You may notice there’s a new category to the right – “Bebo”. The popular website, that I guess one could compare much closer to MySpace than Facebook announced late yesterday night that they were opening up their platform to developers. Before…

  • Stay N’ Alive Has a New Design!

    I’m proud to announce the new design of the Stay N’ Alive blog. Yes, that is me on a Segway, a little slouched, but my real, geeky self, having fun. I’m tempted to subtitle the blog, “A Developer, Having Fun!” Really, that is what being a developer is all about – if you’re not having…

  • Rails Maintainers (and Users), Take a Hint!

    It appears I’ve caused quite a stir in my post about asking Perl to step up. Joey DeVilla on Global Nerdy thinks I’m funny. Several Perl users, including Andy Lester (author of WWW::Mechanize) have corrected me on the fact that it does not require testing for modules to be submitted to CPAN – I stand…

  • Patches to the Net::Twitter script for all followers and friends

    As I was testing my auto follow script for Twitter and helping Chris Pirillo (see the comments in the link above) get his set up, I realized it wasn’t working for him. After a ton of hacking around, going through all aspects of the auto follow script, and Net::Twitter, I realized there was an undocumented…

  • Twitter Development and Follow Blacklists

    I’ve been playing with a new site lately that will be doing some integration with Twitter (more about that later). I realized the other day that several people that were following me, but I wasn’t following, weren’t being added to my friends list with my Twitter auto follow script. I researched the issue, and realized…