OSS Archives - Page 6 of 26 - Stay N Alive

Facebook Adds Small Features to Chat

I just noticed today a few new features in the Facebook chat window. When a new chat message comes through you may now hear a small, “pop”. It appears as though Facebook has begun adding sounds to their messaging, a much needed addition for those trying to know when people are trying to chat with […]


Utah Startup Series: Bungee Labs

(Sorry it’s been awhile since my last blog – it took me several days to figure out how to get my Flip video imported and exported to and from iMovie. To make a long story short, if you want to export from iMovie and have both picture and sound, you must import your source as […]


FBML Essentials Has a Cover!

I received a copy of the cover for FBML Essentials last Friday. I was waiting to figure out what the bird was on the cover before I shared it. The bird is a White Throated Dipper – from Wikipedia: The White-throated Dipper (Cinclus cinclus) is an aquatic passerine bird found in Europe and the Middle […]


Twitter Now Removing Blacklisted Accounts

(I’m beginning to move much of my activity over to FriendFeed lately. Scoble calls it the “World Wide Talk Show” – please subscribe to my feed to comment and participate!) I was going to write a few more of my annoyances with Twitter today, but a few pleasant announcements have come out of Twitter lately […]


Why I Hate the Twitter Syntax

I have disliked the Twitter syntax since I’ve been on it (you can find me via @JesseStay on Twitter – go ahead and follow me!). As a long-time IRC user, everything seems backwards! I have often referred to Twitter as “IRC 2.0”. I’m not sure I can fully embrace that concept though. For those unfamiliar […]