OSS Archives - Page 17 of 26 - Stay N Alive

Twitter Updates

You’ll notice I’ve started posting all my Twitter updates on a daily basis. The whole Twitter concept came about as a form of “mini-blogging”. It’s a great way to blog as you go throughout the day. Since I don’t always have time to write entire blog posts, I’m posting my Twitter posts, which often include […]


Utah Social Media Developers Garage a Success!

Utah had it’s very first Social Media Garage meeting as a non-Facebook specific group yesterday, December 11. Phil Burns and I started the Utah Facebook Developers Garage, and at our October meeting, the group agreed to making our name much more generic so we could support technologies such as Open Social. I think the meeting […]


Danny Sullivan Just Doesn’t Get SNO

Dave Bascom, of SEO.com, and also a good friend of mine, recently reminded me through a blog post of his about Danny Sullivan’s Whiteboard Daily Search Cast where he criticized Facebook ads as a “revolution”. Danny goes on to say that because search ads are being “requested” by the user, search engine advertising is much […]


I’m on Facebook, Now What???

I think it’s blatently evident that I, Jesse Stay am on Facebook. Now what??? Actually, that’s exactly what. For the past few weeks I have been mentioning on Twitter that I have been working on a “super secret project”. That project is actually a book that I am writing with Jason Alba, founder of JibberJobber.com, […]


Auto-Follow Those that Follow you on Twitter

On Twitter, it is generally polite to follow those that follow you – they are saying, “you are interesting”, so it is the polite thing to show interest in them as well. I have heard from multiple people, including Scoble and Chris Pirillo that they have requested Twitter do this for them. Well, I’m proud […]