OSS Archives - Page 10 of 26 - Stay N Alive

New, Big OpenSocial Announcements Coming Tonight?

According to Mike Arrington (I know, I said I wanted to boycott TechCrunch but it’s just so dang hard to avoid! I’ll stick to boycotting Crunchgear for now.), Google is having another “Campfire One” event tonight. The last Campfire One event they announced OpenSocial. It was the OpenSocial team that announced the event, and the […]


5 Inspiring Uses for Twitter That Changed the World

I figured after yesterday’s post on Guy Kawasaki’s blog, I’d continue the trend, but this time into Twitter territory. Except this time I’d like to try to truly inspire you. For those unaware with what Twitter is, in a sentence it is a mass communications tool which lets you post the status of what you’re […]


I’ve Been Guy Kawasaki’d!

Greetings to all of my new subscribers, thanks to a great post I’ve been working on with Guy Kawasaki over on his blog here: http://blog.guykawasaki.com/2008/04/ten-things-you.html The post is about 10 things you didn’t know about Facebook – these are all excerpts that you can find bits and pieces about in “I’m On Facebook–Now What???“, with […]


Facebook Launches "" Tag

I swear, this is no joke! Facebook just released a new tag on its developers wiki called, “”. In line with the “” tag (a real tag!), it displays the enclosed content only if it is April Fools day. Such content would be used as such: April Fools!!! It’s not April Fools day, silly!


The Emergence of "Spam 2.0"

My recent blog post on the possible “Facebook Worm” seems to be making an effect in security circles. Within 24 hours I quickly got this e-mail from Zango making sure their name was not associated with it: Hello Jesse, I am writing to you about the above entitled post. I first want to clarify that […]


Yahoo Joins OpenSocial, Google Announces OpenSocial Foundation

Today Yahoo announced that they are joining forces with the OpenSocial platform, and will be joining both Google and MySpace to build “The OpenSocial Foundation”. This new foundation “will seek to ensure that the technology behind OpenSocial remains implementable by all, freely and without restriction, in perpetuity.” It is modeled after the current industry-supported OpenID […]