open standards Archives - Page 2 of 2 - Stay N Alive

The Web is No Longer Open

“So it can benefit everyone.” That’s what a Google employee said today as he tried to explain Google’s recent push to have websites use the ‘rel=”me”‘ meta HTML tags to identify pages a user owns on the web.  It’s not a bad strategy – index the entire web, know every single website out there, and […]


DNS is the New Browser War

Today Google decided to go head-to-head with a smack to OpenDNS, announcing their own “Public” DNS which users could integrate to bypass their own DNS provider, get faster speeds, and “improve the browsing experience for all users.”  The announcement comes head-to-head with their announcement a couple weeks ago that they were creating their own operating […]


It’s Time to Free the Twitter Client

Dave Winer wants a programmable Twitter client. I think it’s a great idea.  It’s something the browser has had for quite awhile now via extensions, frameworks, and plugins.  Up until this point Twitter clients have been closed systems that can’t really be extended in any way.  Loic Lemeur thinks he has the answer with the […]