Google Axing Windows Makes Total Sense (and It’s Not For Security)
Several articles have come out recently criticizing Google for their recent policy, removing the Windows Operating System from their currently approved list of OSes that employees can use. One might expect that I would be against this move, considering the recent criticism I’ve given of Google employees deleting their Facebook accounts. I think this situation […]
Read more...Adobe and Google Sitting in a Tree? Or Did Adobe Just Pwn Google?
There’s something really fishy going on with Adobe’s “I ♥ Apple” Ad campaign. You might have noticed it yesterday as you were browsing websites such as TechCrunch and Google Reader. Basically, somehow Adobe got around Google’s “no popups” ad policy for Adsense and for those on Macs and for some reason Opera web browsers. For […]
Read more...Facebook and the New SEO
With the advent of Facebook’s new Open Graph Protocol announced at their developers conference last week, there has been no shortage of criticism as to what’s private, what’s open, and if this makes Facebook even more open and more closed. While I’ve certainly made my opinion known, there is really little that needs to be […]
Read more...Google: You Have the Same Thing as Facebook – Why Not Promote It?
Google is sitting on a gold mine opportunity right now and all I hear is complaining from their employees. Matt Cutts Deactivated his Facebook account and Tweeted about it to tell the story. Chris Messina called Facebook the dreaded “evil” word, and criticized the idea for being decentralized. Frankly, I’m getting tired of it and […]
Read more...Getting Me to Share Your Posts
One of the things I like to do on my Twitter account is to share interesting articles around the web that I think would be interesting to my readers. Such articles can be techy, geeky, mainstream, pop-culture, or anything I deem interesting. Based on your retweets, I think you like it. I had someone ask […]
Read more...Google Re-Enables Adsense on RSS Feeds in Buzz
Some time in the last hour or two it appears that the Google Buzz team has re-enabled AdSense ads in RSS Feeds in Google Buzz. Recently I wrote about this, criticizing the service for stripping out ads a blog author was including and importing into Google Buzz. This included both RSS feeds directly imported into […]
Read more...I’ve Been a Little Rough on Google Lately
For having posted just less than 1,000 posts, this blog has gotten a lot of attention in just the last one or two years. It used to be when I posted something I would get few comments (I still wish I had more), little traffic, and I knew it was only going to perhaps a […]
Read more...Did Google Reinvent the Wheel by Adopting the Protocols They Chose?
In a response to my article here, DeWitt Clinton of Google defined what he deemed the definition of “open” to be. According to DeWitt, “the first is licensing of the protocols themselves, with respect to who can legally implement them and/or who can legally fork them.” I argue if this were the case, then why […]
Read more...The Web is No Longer Open
“So it can benefit everyone.” That’s what a Google employee said today as he tried to explain Google’s recent push to have websites use the ‘rel=”me”‘ meta HTML tags to identify pages a user owns on the web. It’s not a bad strategy – index the entire web, know every single website out there, and […]
Read more...Is Google Stealing Authors’ Copyright With Buzz?
2 years ago I shared about a blogger and follower/friend of mine, Ali Akbar, who purchased the domain, (he still owns it) in order to create an AppEngine-related blog (since Google apparently forgot to purchase the domain). Ali received a threatening Cease-and-Desist from Google shortly after asking him to immediately discontinue use of the […]