Geeky Archives - Page 2 of 3 - Stay N Alive

FBFoundations Facebook Connect Plugin for WordPress

One of my biggest frustrations in adapting Facebook Connect into WordPress blogging has been the fact that most plugins out there either have too much, or too little incorporated into them.  When you add more than one, you end up calling the Facebook Javascript Client libraries more than once, and often reinvent the wheel for […]


My Facebook Connect Wishlist (for WordPress)

Today everyone seems to be wishing me a Happy Birthday – it’s not really, but it is @jessemccartney’s birthday on Twitter, so I get all the “ZOMG Happy Birthday @jesse mccartney” Tweets from uber-excited fans.  Some times I throw them a bone and tell them how much I love them as well.  It’s fun to […]


Oh, the Trouble With OAuth

This article has been sitting on my desk for the past week or so, and recent activities around the Twitter/Facebook/LiveJournal/Blogger DDoS attacks have made it even more applicable, so it’s good I waited. The problem centers around the “Open” authentication protocol, OAuth, and how I believe it is keeping companies like Twitter who want to […]


Making WWW::Facebook::API Facebook Connect Ready

I’m going to get geeky on you here again.  I’ve been working on a few things with SocialToo to enable Facebook Connect on the site – more on that to come.  What I’ve been surprised by though is that this long after the launch of Facebook Connect the main Perl libraries for Facebook, WWW::Facebook::API, still […]