Blogging Archives - Page 4 of 8 - Stay N Alive

Going to BlogWorld Expo!

I’ll be at BlogWorld Expo over the coming weekend starting tomorrow morning covering the event and hopefully sharing some of the highlights I think are innovative and interesting for you. Stay tuned here and I’ll share what I can. Some things I’m looking for: Microblogging, Lifestreaming, and the evolution of blogging and new trends towards […]


WordPress Passes 4 Million Blogs

Joseph Scott, developer at Automattic, posted that has recently broken 4 million total blogs. He further mentions that it took just 4 months to go from 3 million to 4 million. Assuming the rate isn’t exponential, it will just be end of December when they hit 5 million blogs. What would be even more […]


I’m Changing Gears

I mentioned earlier I was going to announce a big change this week. I’m “on the move“, as Jeremiah Owyang would put it. Today was my first day working full time at a new Silicon Valley startup with offices here in Utah, where I will be leading their Social Product strategy moving forward. I am […]


Happy Blog Day 2008

For those unaware, today is “Blog Day“, a day intended to allow bloggers to share their favorite blogs in hopes that readers can diversify the blogs they currently read and learn of other unknowns that they may not yet be subscribed to. I figure I’d join in on the cause several others have joined today, […]


Facebook Rumors, Religion, and the LDS Faith

It all started with this post today. A supposed “employee ‘close to the deal’” told blogger, Zach Klein (who doesn’t seem to allow comments on his blog) that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Family History division had made an unsolicited bid to purchase Facebook. Nothing else – no other background, no other […]


Laconica’s Not the Only Cool Kid In Town – Introducing OpenMicroblogger

There’s a new kid in town in the microblogging space, and no it’s not just “another microblogging site”. I talked to Brian Hendrickson, the lead developer behind and its accompanying service today and he may just have something to scare both Twitter, and Evan Prodromou of in their tracks. What’s amazing about […]


What a Year!

It’s amazing what can happen in one year. Just one year ago today (the 14th) I turned 30. Today just happens to be my 31st birthday (yes, I’m almost exactly as old as Louis Gray, and no, we are not the same person like he and Robert Scoble are). It also just so happens to […]


The TechMeme Factor – is it Good for Blogs?

I received a lot of criticism for my post recently stating my reduction in use of the service Twitter towards other services like and FriendFeed. In a series of personal attacks through both Twitter and the comments on my blog, people called me names, said I was pompous, and almost seemed offended as to […]