If You Think You’ve Got a Tough Life, There’s Always Someone With Worse

I’ve been meaning to share this for awhile.  This is something the “Mormon Messages” Youtube channel for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints produced recently.  Stephanie Nielson is a popular local Utah blogger who, if you want someone who truly understands life, you should follow. You can follow her blog at the NieNie Dialogues. Or follow her on Twitter here. You won’t get through it without shedding a tear, I promise:

Whenever you’re down, watch this and think, “It could be worse!”.  Stephanie is an inspiration for us all.

Be sure to follow Mormon Messages on Youtube, Facebook, or Twitter for more great inspirational messages produced by the LDS Church.

One response to “If You Think You’ve Got a Tough Life, There’s Always Someone With Worse”

  1. Travis B. Hartwell Avatar

    Thanks for the reminder; I've been meaning to watch this video since
    it came out.

    Stephanie and her husband are such examples, I hope that I can develop
    their humble, open, and loving attitude through the trials in my life.

    Thanks Jesse.

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