Today Lazyfeed announced they had officially launched rssCloud and Pub/sub Hubbub (PSHB) support into their real-time RSS aggregator, making them the first major aggregator for rssCloud outside of Dave Winer’s own River2 client, and the first client of its type for the Web (Dave Winer’s client is written for the desktop OS). What does this mean? It means now you have a way to get the most relevant information you are looking for real-time, as it happens.
Lazyfeed is a new aggregation service that aims to provide real-time news updates on specific topics you want to know about. You give it the keywords you’re interested in, and it comes back, as the news happens, with the news written about those keywords. It goes further though and provides additional suggestions for other keywords you might be interested in as they happen, and you can add those to your list as well. See Louis Gray’s demo here for a great view of how it works.
Now, with rssCloud and PSHB support for real-time news aggregation, they are now one of the most real-time aggregators on the web. On their blog they mentioned some of the hurdles they had to jump to get through the implementation, and ironically, Feedburner seemed to have the biggest issues with set up (through PSHB) since the Atom protocol wasn’t built natively with any sort of real-time support. No problems were mentioned about rssCloud, showing promise for the protocol developed by Dave Winer. Lazyfeed seemed to think Feedburner wasn’t even real time, based on their experience, showing a delay of a few minutes on each feed published.
Problems aside, seeing aggregators like Lazyfeed implement these technologies is promising, showing we are on the cusp of the 2010 web and real-time news and updates being at our fingertips. I’ve talked to several other companies also getting ready to embrace these technologies and I’m pretty sure by the end of 2010 it will be an entirely new web and opportunity for entrepreneurs and developers alike.
UPDATE: Brett Slakin, one of the originators of the PSHB protocol, has clarified some of the PSHB and Feedburner issues here:
Thanks for the post, Jesse! Awesome that LazyFeed is making progress so fast.
Jesse I love LazyFeed but they're number two not number one.
What's your problem with River2?
I don't get it.
Dave, I have no problem with River2, and in fact quoted it as the only other
aggregator I knew of. LazyFeed is the first one not written by the creator
of RSS. I specifically said it was the first one outside of your own River2,
and gave you full credit for that. My point was that this is a milestone,
and a first for rssCloud. I think I'm done promoting both rssCloud and
PSHB. My point was to promote both but I've been picked apart by both. Too
much drama for me. These jealousies need to stop.
And it's not jealousies. You made a mistake. That's all. I love Ethan
and what he's doing and I support him 100 percent. My problem is with
your article.
But that's not what your headline says.
These little hair-splits kill products.
That's probably why Radio died. Everyone said it doesn't count because
I wrote it. Huh?
Don't do it again man. Marshalll did the same thing. It's really not
fair, esp since people skim every article and most people will just
read your headline.
Dave, I clarified it to say “Web Aggregator” since yours is written for the desktop (from what I'm aware). I still don't appreciate being called “wrong” though. “First Major RSS Aggregator” is a matter of interpretation. I did not say it was the first Aggregator. I said it was the first major one (again, a matter of interpretation – I do RSS on the web, not desktop, so it is major to me), and then clarified that in the text that yours was first. Regardless, I'm done writing about this – if I'm going to be picked apart by both sides on everything I write it's not worth writing about.
Okay — I guess I'll have to live with all that.
FWIW — I consider you a “major” blogger.
I assume that's how you would like to be thought of. 🙂
Thanks Dave. I guess I just don't see myself that way, so I don't see
things like this making that big of an impact. Maybe I need to think
bigger. I'll be more careful in the future – I appreciate your advice.
BTW, don't take the “major” thing too seriously. I think River2 is a
“Major” rssCloud Desktop aggregator. My intent in all this was to promote
LazyFeed, not make rssCloud, or River2, or PSHB look bad in any way.
As I've said — I had a product die — at least in part because people thought that they should ignore it because I made it. Imagine how that feels, pushing so hard for *years* only to have people ignore your work based on a whim. Not a very nice thing to happen. And you weren't the only one who said it — Marshall did too. Maybe you picked it up from him, and then I saw Louis quote you in a message on Twitter. Pretty soon I might as well forget adding new stuff to the product cause no one uses it. And by the way try the golden rule out and see how it would feel if someone pushed your work aside because they didn't think it was “major” — feels pretty shitty.
I've used Lazyfeed on and off. Now this makes it more compelling to use the service now that it's got real time functionality down pat. Cool.
Dave, I do think there's a misperception, at least on my part, but I get the
feeling others feel the same. I was under the impression that River2 was the
proof-of-concept for rssCloud. I didn't realize this was your new product
you were trying to build out. Again, I'll be more careful in the future and
give it due-credit now that I know that.
Glad to get a chance to correct that. If it were just proof of concept I wouldnt have spent all this week working on it. It's a real product. Thanks for asking. Seriously.
No problem Dave – I'm glad we clarified that. Let me know when you're ready
to do the next release of River2 and I'd be happy to write about it. I'm
avoiding the rssCloud and PSHB explanation/comparison for now but I do want
to write about the software built around them (and other protocols) moving
After a very short test run I think that I'm getting to like LazyFeed. I wouldn't mind having it on my desktop if it was implemented using Adobe Air, or integrated with TweetDeck. It would be nice if I could also load the rss feeds that I'm subscribed to so I can have it all in one place.
Keren, yeah – I agree. There's a lot of potential, definitely!
We tried to implement it at Superfeedr, but that fact that each “cloud” can choose its subscription method, between REST, XML-RPC and others makes it quite a lot of work for not so much data….
Julien, interesting – I think if it sticks you'll see more development
libraries that just do it for you, so there will be less work down the road.
It will be interesting to see how things evolve.
We tried to implement it at Superfeedr, but that fact that each “cloud” can choose its subscription method, between REST, XML-RPC and others makes it quite a lot of work for not so much data….
Julien, interesting – I think if it sticks you'll see more development
libraries that just do it for you, so there will be less work down the road.
It will be interesting to see how things evolve.
We tried to implement it at Superfeedr, but that fact that each “cloud” can choose its subscription method, between REST, XML-RPC and others makes it quite a lot of work for not so much data….
After a very short test run I think that I'm getting to like LazyFeed. I wouldn't mind having it on my desktop if it was implemented using Adobe Air, or integrated with TweetDeck. It would be nice if I could also load the rss feeds that I'm subscribed to so I can have it all in one place.
Glad to get a chance to correct that. If it were just proof of concept I wouldnt have spent all this week working on it. It's a real product. Thanks for asking. Seriously.
I've used Lazyfeed on and off. Now this makes it more compelling to use the service now that it's got real time functionality down pat. Cool.