Photo Copyright Stay N’ Alive Productions, LLC
“Stay”cations in my family aren’t just for vacationing near home! This Tuesday, July 7, I’ll be packing up my stuff and heading on a road-trip with my family to Boston Massachusetts where my parents live to stay with them about a month. The goal is to visit with family, see my new nephew soon to be born any day now, my twin nieces in New Jersey, and just to get out of Utah for a short bit. Having lived overseas and out of state most of my life, I crave traveling so it will be a good trip.
While I’m out there I want to see you! Thus far my schedule’s wide open. On July 15 I’m told there will be a FriendFeed meetup (would that be called a Friend “Feed”?) at 5pm at the Cambridgeside Galleria Food Court. I’ll be there, and you can RSVP by commenting on this thread on Friendfeed. I’m also scheduled to meet a few SocialToo customers in New York, so I’ll probably take a trip out there while I’m visiting my Sister in New Jersey. If you’d like to meet up in Boston, New York, New Jersey, or wherever I can go in driving distance, please let me know and we’ll see if we can get together! I plan to be there until early August so we’ve got plenty of time to see one another (although I’m sure the time will fly!). Also, please let me know if I’m missing your conference or you need a good speaker while I’m out there!
In the meantime you can track me starting July 7 via the Twitter hashtag, #staycation – maybe I’ll make a FriendFeed room out of it or something. Plan on some great photos of Mount Rushmore, Niagra Falls, Chicago, and all the Boston and New York sites. I’m excited for what should be a very fun trip!
What do YOU think? Let us know your thougts below!