July 2008 - Page 3 of 3 - Stay N Alive

Is Twitter Down For Everyone or Is it Just Me???

Just today, the New York Times did a post on Alex Payne, a “24-year old internet engineer” who created a site called, “DownForEveryoneOrJustMe.com“. This site allows anyone to type in a URL and the site will tell you if it’s just you or down for the entire web. In all it’s a pretty useful site […]


Facebook Top Friends Re-Appears

Last night, quietly, Facebook re-enabled Slide’s Top Friends App on Facebook. On June 26, exactly one week ago, Facebook removed the Top Friends App from its directory, citing “violations of their terms of service”. The App was no longer visible on users’ profiles, no longer accessible via canvas pages – it had just vanished from […]


Identi.ca Provides Users An "Open" Alternative to Twitter

Today I was introduced to a new service called identi.ca, which claims to provide Twitter-like functionality, in a nice, Open Source interface. The service implements the OpenMicroBlogging protocol which, from their FAQs, states, “you can have friends on other microblogging servicesthat can receive your notices.” This means complete transparency and no reliance on any one […]


FriendFeed: A Guide for Twitter Users

With all the frustration lately about Twitter going down, disabling features, and developers leaving the service, people still keep coming back for some reason. Frankly, there just isn’t anything that can fully replace Twitter. I think people have simply gotten so used to Twitter and have figured out their own ways to use the service, […]