Twitter’s Application Directory

A few months ago, Facebook announced they were releasing their platform to all developers via an open API. At the same time, they release an Application Directory indexing and categorizing all of the applications for their platform. I was wondering today if Twitter, who had an open API even before Facebook, had the same thing. It turns out they do, and it’s on the Fan wiki:

Not quite 5000+ like Facebook, but there are quite a number of apps I didn’t know about. What Twitter apps are your favorites?

  1. collins Avatar

    A free service called Twitrans allows Twitter users to quickly translate any short message to a variety of languages by human translators

  2. collins Avatar

    A free service called Twitrans allows Twitter users to quickly translate any short message to a variety of languages by human translators

  3. collins Avatar

    A free service called Twitrans allows Twitter users to quickly translate any short message to a variety of languages by human translators

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