September 2007 - Page 2 of 2 - Stay N Alive

#51 for Facebook Developer on Google

I’m moving up the ranks on the term “Facebook Developer” on Google. I’m now raked 51 out of 2,420,000 on Google. I’m really hoping to be on one of the first two or 3 pages though. I should try to move up on the term, “Facebook Blogger” next. UPDATE: It worked! I’m now #38 for […]


Pligg Presentation Cancelled

I apologize to those looking forward to it, but I’ve had to cancel my presentation on Pligg modules at UTOSC this week. I’ve just got too much on my plate right now. I realized I needed to blog this today as the Pligg guys just gave me a really nice plug on the Pligg blog. […]


What, No Kitten?

It seems Twitter is down, again. There is a “302 Found” page saying “Found. The document has moved here.” I imagine it will be back up again soon, but it would be really nice for them to notify their users of the status of these outages.


NBC Screws Up, Again!

Recently, NBC made what many to believe a big mistake on pulling out their shows from iTunes. Well, yesterday, I discovered another big mistake. Recently, NBC started an ad campaign for its hit TV series, “My Name is Earl”, about Earl’s being booked into Jail while innocent entitled, “Free Earl”. They have scripted a musical […]