jessestay, Author at Stay N Alive - Page 45 of 105

Wanna Launch Something at BlogWorld? Pitch Louis Gray (Here’s Why)

lgThe inside joke at BlogWorld is that while the entire blogosphere is at BlogWorld Expo in Vegas partying and learning about blogging, the entire Blogosphere goes silent.  This year, that silence is even more deafening as ReadWriteWeb is running their Real-time Summit in San Francisco and any of the remaining bloggers are there, “tweeting” away the events of the week.  Robert Scoble even joked, “There is NOTHING more boring than a blog about blogging. Well, except one thing: a blog about a blogging conference. So, see ya on Twitter!” This is a nightmare for anyone trying to pitch a blogger this week and get any serious attention towards their product at such an ironic time.  I have one tip: Pitch Louis Gray.

Yesterday Louis Gray wrote an inspiring post titled, “Hey Bloggers, Step Away from the Twitter for a Second… and Blog“.  In the post he talked about this very phenomena and the fact that the blogosphere actually does go silent.  He’s right!

In the meantime, Louis has cranked out a total of 3 blog posts since just last night and as I sit next to him at @drew’s cancer panel he is cranking out even more blog posts about various web topics and the panels he is attending.  This is a man who wants, and likes to write!  If there’s anyone you should be pitching this week it should be him, because you will actually get a real write up, instead of a 140 character Tweet.

Expect to see more blog posts from me as well this week – this whole “Tweeting” BWE09 is unproductive and unfruitful.  I’ve got some really cool announcements I’m sitting on – stay tuned!  Are there any other bloggers you see spending more time blogging and less-time partying and “tweeting” this week?

Web 3.0: The Building Block Web

lego bricksTim O’Reilly is well-known not only for his successful publishing company (which I have written for), but also for his definition of the term, “Web 2.0”, in summary defining the web as a platform, moving from the desktop to the cloud. I’d like to propose we are in the process of taking that one step further, perhaps even moving to our foundations, taking components of that platform, and enabling others to use those components in their own applications. Some talk about the “real-time web” being Web 3.0, or the 2010 Web, but when you look at it “real-time” is just using the web as a platform, making it real-time.  The web still hasn’t really changed in essence to something else beyond the web becoming “the platform”.  The web needs to shift to something else for that to happen. I think that shift is happening in a form I call “the building block web”.

When I think building blocks I think Lego bricks.  Each one has its own unique size and shape, and when you take the basic lego bricks you can add your own, making something unique and powerful.  The web, as a whole, is evolving towards this state.  We see Twitter, with its open platform enabling others to share in ways they were never able to share before in their own applications.  We see Facebook and Facebook Connect enabling businesses to incorporate Facebook activity, relationships, and more right in the bounds of their own brand (Jeremiah Owyang suggested we might call this “farming”).  Recently, we saw Google Wave producing ways for users to collaborate in ways they were never able to before, and embed these in new ways into external environments. We see Facebook implementing Facebook credits amongst various applications and enabling some developers to charge using Facebook credits, Facebook taking a cut along the way.  Each of these “components” is a building block.  They’re each basic foundations, or Lego bricks that have organized the web into components developers can now build new and interesting things with.  The new platform is on top of these foundations, which are built on top of the web, and viewable via a desktop or browser.

Robert Scoble, as he was interviewing me and Louis Gray last week, mentioned he thought Facebook should implement reviews similar to Yelp, and they could then profit from the deals made surrounding those reviews of retail and other physical purchase locations.  It’s a great idea, but I suggested Facebook doesn’t need to do this.  Facebook seems to understand the building block web.  They are providing means for Yelp and others to take what Facebook is good at – building relationships and sharing activities and content with your close friends and family, and incorporate that content and social graph into and out of Yelp’s own environment.  They are even providing for some developers (as mentioned earlier) the ability to integrate their built in credit system.  Facebook provides their own foundations or Lego bricks, provides a means for those people to pay for things, and Facebook takes a cut of every piece of that along the way.  Seems like a much better model than reinventing the wheel if you ask me.  Now imagine if Yelp joined the building block web by providing their own “blocks” giving other apps the power of what Yelp is good at: organizing great reviews around physical purchase locations around the world.

Now look at Google.  Google understands this well.  They are providing Friend Connect, OpenSocial, Android, Wave (on 3 different levels!), and letting Developers decide what to do with them.  Google is adding to this new platform giving developers new building blocks to play with and create cool things with.

This new web is surrounding us as we speak.  Each of the major players is in a race to see who can create the most building blocks for developers and entrepreneurs to incorporate into their own products.  No longer are entrepreneurs focused on building for the web.  They’re focused on building around these building blocks. The building blocks are the platform. This is Web 3.0.  Who will win?

Kill Those Quiz Apps With Facebook’s New Create Applications API

FacebookOkay, the last post was a little technical.  I’m going to try it from a different perspective.  Here’s the real news, and maybe I misunderstood the entire purpose of the new API (although the benefits I stated would be useful to me).  Facebook just made it possible, for some applications (although details are still vague), for users to block all child applications of the parent application.  So now instead of having to block every single quiz you see, you can now block the parent application and you’ll never have to see another quiz from your friends again.  Rejoice!  From the Wiki post:

“Occasionally, parent applications generate so many child applications that users are unable to effectively control the volume of stories – which is why the ability to hide all quiz applications is one our top user requests. As a result, we are experimenting with giving users the ability to hide all the children of a parent application, for only those applications where there is a significant, demonstrated user demand for such a function.”

This means potentially you, the user, have the ability now to hide those pesky Quiz and other similar applications.  Facebook has been vague on what applications they will apply to (and I expect they won’t tell), but it would seem that some users will start seeing this soon.  I, for one, am rejoicing.

Facebook Launches Application Creation API

One of my biggest frustrations as a FacebookFacebook API developer of WordPress plugins has been the need to require my users to go out and create their own application in Facebook for their blog.  To do so they had to install a “developer app” on Facebook and know what forms to fill out after they did.  It was a lot of work and very difficult to explain to people!  Today Facebook launched a way to automate that process, their Create Application API.

According to the developers wiki, starting today developers of WordPress plugins and other 4th-party Facebook applications will be able to automate the process of creating applications on behalf of their users as “child applications”.  This means for the FBFoundations plugin I launched over the weekend I’ll be able to automatically register the user’s blog as an app in Facebook when they activate the plugin.  The user will only need to activate the plugin in WordPress, we’ll grab the API key and everything else, and there will be nothing more for that user to do.

Installing Facebook Connect WordPress plugins just got a whole lot more easy.  Can’t wait to play with this and see what others do with it.  Stay tuned for an FBFoundations plugin update that includes this.  Details are still vague on this, so I’ll update if anything changes – thus far we just have a few wiki articles talking about it.

UPDATE: See my version 2 of this post for an even more interesting perspective on this API.

Rumors Abound as Tweet Scheduling Services are Targeted by Twitter

twitter.pngSeveral Twitter developers are reporting that Twitter is now targeting scheduling services with its new Terms of Service and Policy Enforcement team.  The threats come down to a clause in the Terms of Service stating users accounts could be shut down “If [they] post duplicate content over multiple accounts or multiple duplicate updates on one account”.  Twitter has made it known according to some developers that they plan to enforce the matter.

Tweet scheduling has been quite a popular marketing technique used by the likes of Guy Kawasaki (disclosure: he is an Advisor of my service,  To schedule a Tweet, users visit sites such as Twitterfeed, enter the Tweet to share, and schedule it in as frequent intervals as they like.  Guy Kawasaki has been quoted as saying this method actually brings more clicks to a site, as people often miss the first Tweet from a user.

It is unclear if this move is a target against Twitter developers themselves, or against the users, but if you base it on the Terms of Service alone, it would seem it’s the users and not developers taking a risk. Users should be made aware that if they are a user of such a service and schedule their Tweets multiple times, their accounts stand the risk of suspension according to Twitter.

Other interesting rules on the Twitter Terms of Service you should be aware of that could get your account suspended:

  • Following large amounts of users in a short time-span
  • Repeatedly following and unfollowing users
  • If your updates consist of mostly links and “not personal updates” (like my @jesseslinks or Louis Gray’s @lgshareditems)
  • If you send large numbers of unsolicited @replies
  • If you post another user’s content without attribution

Yesterday I contacted Twitter but still have yet to receive a response on this. It is appearing their response is “no comment”.  I’ll update here if that changes.

FBFoundations Facebook Connect Plugin for WordPress

lego bricksOne of my biggest frustrations in adapting Facebook Connect into WordPress blogging has been the fact that most plugins out there either have too much, or too little incorporated into them.  When you add more than one, you end up calling the Facebook Javascript Client libraries more than once, and often reinvent the wheel for what other people have done.  I mentioned this in a wish-list I posted earlier.  I want building blocks – I should be able to add a foundation, and add basic building blocks on top of that foundation to get what I want out of Facebook Connect on my blog.

Today I’m giving you that foundation.  I’ve written a WordPress plugin called FBFoundations which sets up the bare-bones necessities of any Facebook Connect install.  Once you have installed this plugin, the user can log in, and you have access to their login credentials from then forward to do whatever you want with. It’s a foundation – something to build a house on top of, and my hope is that many more FBFoundations-compatible plugins can emerge from this.

For instance, my next step will be to create a simple plugin for WordPress that uses the stream.publish API to post your blog to Facebook, and enable others to do so (tracking the number of comments and likes along the way if possible).  There will be no need to add a user log in to that process, nor do I have to load the XFBML init scripts to render XFBML.  It will all have already been loaded for me.

The script works a lot like Richard Miller’s “What Would Seth Godin Do” plugin from a UI perspective.  At a default (you can configure this in your preferences) the first 3 times a user visits your blog they will be presented with a popup dialog box encouraging them to connect with Facebook.  After those 3 times the popup no longer appears.  There will also always be a “Connect with Facebook” login button above your comments (assuming they’re wrapped in a #commentform div) that will appear until the user clicks on it and logs in.

Using this plugin encourages each reader to log in through Facebook (remember – there are over 300 million Facebook users.  Chances are most of your readers are on Facebook), and enables you to do cool stuff with each of those readers.  Hopefully this will inspire others to make other FBFoundations-compatible plugins so we’re not re-inventing the wheel any more.  Stay tuned for more plugins from me – what will you build with this as your foundation?

You can download the plugin here.  Just download it and unzip it into your plugins directory in WordPress, activate it, and then add the API key for your website.  (You’ll need to go to to add the developer app and add an app for your website if you haven’t done so already)

Or click here to download:

Please let me know in the comments if you see any issues.  This is 100% GPL so please make your own adjustments and let me know if I can fix mine!

UPDATE – v0.4 – 10/26/2009: The popup is no longer default and can be turned on/off. Also added meta tag support and better compatibility with 3rd-party comment systems.  See this blog post for more info on 0.4.

Here are some screenshots:

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Screen shot 2009-10-10 at 6.19.47 PM

Screen shot 2009-10-10 at 6.19.13 PM